

Team Billing

Spark ships with "user" based billing by default. If your applications bills teams or a different model instead, you will need to adjust your Spark installation accordingly. We'll walk through these adjustments in the following documentation using a team billing implementation as an example.

To make the App\Models\Team model your billable model, you first need to adjust Spark's default migrations:

Customizing the Migrations

First, change the name of the 2019_05_03_000001_add_spark_columns_to_users_table.php file to 2020_05_03_000001_add_spark_columns_to_teams_table.php. Adjusting the "year" of the migration will ensure the migration is run after the teams table is created in the database.

After renaming the migration, you may update its contents such that it updates the table definition of the teams table instead of the users table. Also, update the first column so that it is added after a field on the teams table instead of remember_token.

Next, update the subscriptions table migration to contain team_id instead of user_id. You should also ensure that you update the column in the migration's index as well.

Updating the Service Provider

Now that the migrations have been updated, we should update the SparkServiceProvider to reference the Team model instead of the User model:

use App\Models\Team;
use Laravel\Cashier\Cashier;
use Spark\Spark;

class SparkServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Bootstrap any application services.
    public function boot(): void
        // Instruct Cashier to use the `Team` model instead of the `User` model...

        // Resolve the current team...
        Spark::billable(Team::class)->resolve(function (Request $request) {
            return $request->user()->currentTeam;

        // Verify that the current user owns the team...
        Spark::billable(Team::class)->authorize(function (Team $billable, Request $request) {
            return $request->user() &&
                   $request->user()->id == $billable->user_id;

        Spark::billable(Team::class)->checkPlanEligibility(function (Team $billable, Plan $plan) {
            // ...

Updating the Model

Now we can update the Team model to use the Spark\Billable trait and implement a stripeEmail method that returns the team owner's email address to be displayed in the Stripe dashboard as the customer identifier:

use Spark\Billable;

class Team extends JetstreamTeam
    use Billable;

    public function stripeEmail(): string|null
        return $this->owner->email;

Spark Configuration File

Finally, update your application's config/spark.php configuration file so that it defines a team billable model:

use App\Models\Team;

'billables' => [
    'team' => [
        'model' => Team::class,

        'plans' => [
            // ...